Tag Archive for: kids activities

Feeding the Birds in Winter

Winter at Bridge Cottage

Winter at Bridge Cottage

Feeding the birds in Winter. It’s February, and there’s been thick snow on the ground up here in Northumberland for weeks now. The river is starting to freeze over, and while there are some interesting patterns on the windows of the greenhouse, some amazing ice formations in the river, and beautiful icicles hanging from the sauna roof, it’s freezing and the birds are hungry. We have even seen owls hunting by day as they search for food.

Icicles on the sauna roof

Icicles on the sauna roof

The birds need our help in winter, and feeding and watching the birds can be a great activity for kids. Goodness knows we need all the help we can get to amuse the kids during lockdown at the moment. They may have taken part in the Big Garden Birdwatch in January, but even if you missed it, much fun can still be had from watching the birds fly in and eat the bird food that you have put out.

homemade bird feeder with peanut butter and birdseed

homemade bird feeder with peanut butter and birdseed

Fir cones can be collected, or toilet rolls saved, covered in peanut butter, then filled in birdseed.

Garlands of fruit can be strung up – chopped apples, grapes, are favourites of blackbirds and thrushes – how about wedging an apple in the crook of a branch? Blackbirds and thrushes prefer to eat from a table or the ground as they are not great at perching.

Blackbird looking for food. Feed the Birds

Blackbird looking for food. Feed the Birds

Had bacon for breakfast? Snip the rind into small pieces – the birds love the fat.

Click this link for a speedy birdseed cake from the good peeps over at the RSPB:

Feed the Birds.

Feed the Birds.

You might enjoy some of the writing and ideas in other sections of this website, as we look towards leading more sustainable lives by growing our own food and creating dishes in line with seasonal eating, or head to our handy ‘Month by Month’ guides to find out what we have been doing here at Bridge Cottage as the months go by:

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Tim & Sue in the Bridge Cottage Way garden