Tag Archive for: homemade yoghurt

Homemade Yoghurt and Soft Cheese

Homemade yoghurt

Homemade yoghurt

We’ve been making our own yoghurt and soft cheese for years here at Bridge Cottage. The Guardian even got in touch a couple of years ago and interviewed us about switching from commercially bought yoghurt to making our own: Culture shock for ‘big yoghurt’ as foodies switch to DIY 

So why bother? for one, we get through about four pints of yoghurt a week so can make it in bulk. We have it for breakfast most days with fruit either fresh from the garden in summer, or from the freezer in winter.

There is the plastic issue – we use the same tub, and so are reducing our plastic consumption by not buying new every time.

It’s delicious, good for us, with live bugs that do our tummies good!

It’s not delivered on lorries and saves us driving to the shops! So that’s reducing our carbon footprint.

It’s also really easy to make. Here’s how:


Homemade yoghurt.

Homemade yoghurt

Homemade yoghurt

(makes 2 pints)

Heat 2 pints whole milk in a large pan to 95 degrees. (almost boiling if you don’t have a thermometer)

Whisk in 2 tablespoons dried skimmed milk. (this makes it thick and creamy)

Place saucepan in a sink of cold water and cool to 45 deg (blood temperature)

Whisk in a small pot (2 tbsp) live yoghurt.

Place in a clean container with a lid and put somewhere warm for 4-5 hours. an airing cupboard is ideal.

Save 2 tbsps of the new yoghurt for next time, in a sterilised container in the fridge.

It is important to pour boiling water over all equipment before use, to make sure it is clean.


homemade soft cheese

homemade soft cheese

To make soft cheese, simply place yoghurt in a muslin or cheesecloth, tie and hang over a bowl to drip for about six hours. Keep in fridge.

You might like to add chopped chives, garlic, or other herbs to your soft cheese.

Easy peasy, lemon squeezy!

Do let us know how you get on!

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Tim & Sue in the Bridge Cottage Way garden