Make Your Own Solstice Salt

Make you own herb salt
Herbs are in abundance in summer, and they can be used fresh, when full of flavour in cooking. However, winter will be here before we know it, and we like to preserve the taste of summer in herb salt. I discovered this easy method of making herb salt over on Instagram and now use in much of my cooking. I keep a jar next to the stove, and a pestle and mortar handy for grinding it.

Homegrown herbs
It’s just a simple matter of taking fresh herbs – you can see from this photo I have used rosemary, thyme, sage and oregano, and chopping it finely with a knife. I’ve added some pretty blue borage flowers here, and a chive flowerhead for colour.
Add this to rock salt, or salt flakes and leave to dry out in a bowl overnight. The next day, simply pop into a clean jam jar and label. You will have herb salt for use in your cooking throughout the year.
It’s a ten-minute job, why not give it a go?

Solstice Salt
I made this pot of herb salt at the Summer Solstice this year, hence the label!
Read about growing herbs and some suggestions for their uses in:
Other posts about using herbs include:
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You might enjoy some of the writing and ideas in other section of this website, as we look towards leading more sustainable lives by growing our own food and creating dishes in line with seasonal eating, or head to our handy ‘Month by Month’ guides to find out what is seasonal and on topic:
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